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How To Fix Tinder Error 40303 [Simple Fix]

How To Fix Tinder Error 40303 [Simple Fix]

Nobody wants to see Tinder error 40303. Not unless you’re done with the app and want to try something else. The error means you have been banned and there isn’t a great deal you can do. Fixing Tinder error 40303 depends entirely on why you were banned.

If your account was reported or you were reported for something to do with behavior, your profile, pics or something you said or did, there is little recourse. If you think it was a mistake or you’re sure you didn’t break Tinder’s terms, you can appeal. As this is a huge internet company, don’t expect a prompt or overly helpful response though.

You will try to log into Tinder and likely see ‘Something went wrong’ and then be kicked back to the login screen again. You won’t always see any mention of error 40303. All that will happen is that you cannot log in no matter what you do. No explanation, no confirmation email, nothing.

Tinder error 40303

Tinder’s community guidelines are actually quite clear and easy to read. Most of it is common sense and includes no nudity, no harassment, no threats, spam, hate speech, prostitution or trafficking, scamming or using it as a minor. There is also some stuff about having one account per person, not using copyright materials or any third party apps.

There are also a few extra behavioral things that will get you banned including using racial slurs, trolling, posing with trophy or dead animals (it happens), political campaigning, asking for money, fat shaming, activism, being a felon, catfishing and mentioning drugs in any way.

There is also a ban on account resets. These used to be the ideal way to have a second round on Tinder in your area or completely wipe the slate clean and begin again with a new bio and profile pics. Tinder apparently banned resets although I would imagine they concentrate more on multiple resets than a single one. Nevertheless, if you reset your account and wake up one morning to see Tinder error 40303 you’ll know why!

What to do if you see Tinder error 40303

The problem with Tinder is that the company leaves it to users to police themselves. This means accounts can be reported and banned for anything, including doing nothing at all. This has inevitably led to abuse and people reporting accounts for any reason whatsoever.

As I said at the top, if you see Tinder error 40303 you have two options depending on what happened. If you have earned the ban by breaking Tinder’s terms, there isn’t a whole lot you can do aside try an appeal. They rarely work so I have heard but what have you got to lose?

If you think the ban is unjust, you can appeal and have slightly more chance of success.

You can contact Tinder support and select Problem with account login. Tell them what’s going on and ask them to look into it. Explain that you have no idea why you have been banned and have not knowingly broken Tinder’s terms. Then leave it to see if they will revoke the ban.

As long as you’re not in a hurry, this might work.

Avoid being banned on Tinder

It may sound obvious but the best way to avoid error 40303 is to not get banned in the first place. For that there are some practical rules to follow when using the app.

  • Don’t talk about politics or religion unless the other person starts it.
  • Moderate your tone and be reasonable at all times.
  • Never be racist, sexist or inflammatory.
  • Don’t send nudes through Tinder. Use something else instead.
  • Avoid being a douche and watch your language.

The other effective way to avoid being banned is to pay for Tinder. Free accounts are much more likely to be banned than paying ones. I would imagine Tinder prioritizes investigations for subscribers in order to keep you as a paying customer. It may not speed the appeals process up any but it should in theory give you a much higher chance of success.

Finally, and most usefully, when you’re chatting to someone, get their WhatsApp, Kik, Viber, Line or whatever and move the conversation there. Then you can chat about what you like how you like with no chance of having your Tinder account banned. Even if they still report you in Tinder, there will be zero evidence of any wrongdoing and an appeal to customer services should see your account restored.

It’s too easy to be banned on Tinder, often for not actually doing anything wrong. While there is an appeals process, it is neither quick nor inclusive. It is remote, seemingly arbitrary and won’t explain any reasoning. That’s just the way it goes with these internet giants now, it’s nothing personal. Nothing on Tinder is personal.

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One thought on “How To Fix Tinder Error 40303 [Simple Fix]”

Korn oac says:
error 40013 how to?

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May 16, 2019

944 Articles Published
