The Best Tinder Emoji Opening Lines & Conversation Starters

Have trouble coming up with an opening line on Tinder? Struggle with saying the right thing when trying to break the ice? How about just using emoji? Some people are using nothing but emoji in opening lines and are getting dates. This tutorial will outline a few of the best Tinder emoji opening lines for you to try if you want to.
Emoji are a work of genius. A way of expression that doesn’t use words. Ideal for the shy, the tongue-tied and those who cannot be bothered to type. They work well, are almost universally understood and are about as inoffensive as an image can be. Used in the right way, they can convey a message that no amount of words can. That makes them ideal for dating apps.
Competition is tough on Tinder and you have to work exceptionally hard to get attention even if you’re super-hot. Using purely emoji in an opener could be the difference you need to get a response. This guy did it and got eight phone numbers out of it as a result. These are a few years old now but you get the idea.
Tinder emoji openers
Using purely emoji isn’t going to work for everyone but if you’re thinking of giving it a try, you may as well do it right. Doing it right is key though. There are some emoji that definitely don’t work on a dating app and with certain audiences so let’s start with what not to use.
Opening lines sent to girls should avoid the eggplant for obvious reasons, clapping, flexed biceps, fist bump and anything obviously macho. Girls just don’t respond well to those.
Opening lines sent to guys should avoid the ring emoji for obvious reasons, crying face, the poo emoji and the Vulcan salute.
Both sexes should use the tongue emoji sparingly!
This graphic over at Clover, a Tinder alternative, has a very useful breakdown of emoji to use with each gender. It reflects my own opinion on using emoji in dating apps.
Emoji openers for girls
If you’re going to send emoji to a girl as an opener, there are some obvious ones to open with depending on their profile. The hungry face, heart eyes, smiling face, 100, smirk, speak no evil and see no evil are all good ways to open. You could also use sassy girl if appropriate as that usually goes down well if it reflects her Tinder profile.
All are positive, inoffensive, unlikely to be construed as rude, overtly sexual, brash or too pushy. All convey a good emotion, appreciation and should be a good way to open.
Opening with heart eyes or a blown kiss is a good way to show appreciation for hot pics. Not many guys would have a problem with that as an opening line. The same for the gold medal, thumbs up, smirk or 100. All show appreciation in some form and are positive ways to open a conversation. Whether you continue with emoji from there is up to you.
Emoji openers for guys
If you’re looking to break the ice with a guy, there are some emojis that work well and some that don’t work quite so well. Men seem to like the smirk emoji, crazy face, relieved face, hearts, okay, see no evil, heart eyes and kissing lips. The wave, winking face and smile are also useful.
Each conveys positivity and comfortable interaction. None are overtly gentle, sexual or could be reasonably construed in a negative way.
Good openers for guys are similar to those for girls, smile, smirk, heart eyes, 100, gold medal and thumbs up are all good openers. Inoffensive and unlikely to offend or put her off. What you do from there depends on you. It is possible to have entire conversations with emoji if you’re imaginative enough or switch to text.
For either sex, the classic him + her + drinks + ? emoji is always a winner. Whether you open with that or save it until later is up to you. Using it as an opener can save a little time but can be too pushy for some. Using it later, or alternatively the girl dance + guy dance + champagne emoji might work better. Either way, it shows you’re interested and leaves the door wide open for more emoji or to go out on that date.
Do you use emoji on Tinder? Open with them? Use them exclusively? How does it work for you? What are your usual openers? Tell us about your experiences below!
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